Controlling the Narrative as a Startup Founder During Crisis

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Controlling the narrative as a startup founder in times of crisis is imperative if you want to make sure and manage the perception of how audiences see you.

Whether your make a presentation to a potential investor, trying to close a sales deal, or pitching a reporter a press idea, you have to go into each opportunity with a mindset that you have the ability to manage that initial perception and have them seeing you as you want to be seen.

In this video, I’m dive into why it’s important to define the narrative and be the author of your own story and do so with belief, conviction, and resolve in the same way successful entrepreneurs business owners do.

After all, this is your business so might as well be the author of your own story.

#ControllingtheNarrative #StartWithStory #StorytellingforEntrepreneurs #LynGraft

If you like to know more about entrepreneurial storytelling, here are a few resources we've created for you:


Free Guide: 7 Proven Steps to Create a Great Story for Your Business

Start with Story. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business.

Check out our online course: How to Make Your Story Stand out

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