“Create Your Story” Intensive Storytelling Workshop by Storytelling for Entrepreneurs


Just under 4-weeks till the ‘Create Your Story’ Intensive Workshop in Austin, TX on Sep 30th and Oct 1st, 2019. We have a great group of entrepreneurs already signed-up and the content schedule and speaker line-up up is shaping up in stellar fashion.

This video covers the what, where, why & who of it. Registration link:

The price goes up at Midnight on Sunday Sep 8 so best to sign-up this week to get the best deal. Hope to see you there!

If you like to know more about entrepreneurial storytelling, here are a few resources we’ve created for you:



  • Free Guide: 7 Proven Steps to Create a Great Story for Your Business
  • Start with Story. The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business. #StartWithStory
  • Check out our online course: How to Make Your Story Stand out

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