Imagination – One of the Most Powerful Forces in Storytelling

As an entrepreneur, imagination is one of the most powerful forces you have in storytelling.

That’s because imagination is the seed of all great accomplishments.

Albert Einstein once stated that ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’ because it has this unique ability to capture the heart and the mind much like storytelling does.

In this video I explain why it’s like a superpower for founders and how you can use it to create compelling images in the mind of your audience and inspire them to action to support your cause.

I also share a quote from JK Rowling in reference in its ability to connect us and help people see our vision.

If you like to know more about entrepreneurial storytelling, here are a few resources we’ve created for you:


Free Guide: 7 Proven Steps to Create a Great Story for Your Business

Start with Story. The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business. #StartWithStory

Check out our online course: How to Make Your Story Stand out

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