The ‘So What’ factor. What it is & why you need to get over it when sharing your story

“So what.”

This is a factor every entrepreneur is going to encounter when sharing your story. Audiences are constantly going to be judging your idea or concept whenever you get it in front of them based on a number of factors relevant to their world regardless of how good your product or service is.

This video explains what the “So What’ factor is and why you have to overcome it every single time and why you have to make your story relevant to audiences.

I also as well as gives you a tip what you can incorporate into your story to get over the So What factor and get audiences to care about your story.

Mentioned is this story is Amy Cosper, former Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine, SXSW and Media Dynamics.

If you like to know more about entrepreneurial storytelling, here are a few resources we’ve created for you:


  • Free Guide: 7 Proven Steps to Create a Great Story for Your Business
  • Start with Story. The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business. #StartWithStory
  • Check out our online course: How to Make Your Story Stand out


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