Why Founders Should Use Props in Your Startup Story


An asset often overlooked and rarely used when founders share their story. It's a shame because are a great way to enhance a story.

Simple physical elements such as a whistle or a banana provide can trigger mental and emotional responses in audiences.

In this video I'll share with you the reasons why you should consider using them and how they make your story more memorable. It's bananas I know, but worth a listen.

@LynGraft If you like to know more about entrepreneurial storytelling, here are a few resources we've created for you:


Free Guide: 7 Proven Steps to Create a Great Story for Your Business https://storytellingforentrepreneurs....

Start with Story. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business. #StartWithStory


Check out our online course: How to Make Your Story Stand out http://createyourstoryfromscratch.com

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